Mis Aventuras en España

Sunday, January 21, 2007

It Matters

Think of how much money you have spent in the past month (rent/mortgage, food, utilities, interent/phone, car, gas, travel, shopping, etc...) what about the past year? Where is your money really going? It adds up and it matters what companies are getting in, because in the end, you give them a lot of money. You may say you are against child labor or fight for worker's rights in your own job, but what about those who produce all the, many times, "useless junk" that clutters our lives. Why is our society obssessed with consumerism and materialism? What was the last gift you gave someone? Did it really mean anything, or did you just get it because you thought you needed to get something? Wouldn't you rather just spend meaningful time with someone you are close to instead of trying to find them some other inane piece of clutter that they don't really need? It is easy to convince ourselves that we need the latest great new shirt, shoes, gadget or whatever, but chances are, you'll definitley survive and probably prosper without it.

so i am totally right in the middle or maybe just at the beginning of this entry but between Jan getting cranky and me wanting go for a run i will have to finish it later....so i know it is kind of strange right now...but i am publishing it because i don't want to lose anything i have started with incase i want it later

Lifesaving Links:
http://adbusters.org/metas/corpo/blackspotshoes/ - really amazing shoes...you should get them the next time you need shoes, I am!

the following thanks to my dad!:
http://www.popsci.com/popsci/whatsnew/f1ae0e0796b84010vgnvcm1000004eecbccdrcrd.html - Las Cruces Sun-News mentioned using two-button toilets to reduce water consumption. This Popular Science article gives an overview and links to the major manufacturers.
http://www.wired.com/wired/archive/15.01/home1.html - Wired magazine's January 2007 issue showcases 7 amazing (admittedly high-end) homes built to be low-impact. There are still some ideas for the rest of us here, even if we can't afford to do something so fancy.

Other alternative housing links:
http://www.cobcottage.com/whatis - sustainable and practical earth homes...i think someday i'll build one

Saturday, January 20, 2007


And you know that means something is terribly wrong...because as coach gugat put it..."Sarah is always smiling, if sarah is not smiling something is wrong and someone is fired" - or something to that effect. Who is fired? WE ALL ARE!! WHY?? because we aren't doing anything the climate is changing (among other terrible ecological and social disasters)!! DOESN'T ANYBODY CARE?!?!?!!?!?!? I am not smiling because yesterday it was LIKE SUMMER HERE, literally, hot and humid and i was walking around in a tank top and sandals. we have had no winter. THIS IS A MAJOR PROBLEM. Get up off your ass and do something! I don't care what...take bags to the store instead of getting plastice ones and creating more of a problem (look here for more information: http://app.nea.gov.sg/cms/htdocs/category_sub.asp?cid=246 or http://www.abc.net.au/science/features/bags/default.htm ) little things do make a difference. Maybe your 10 bags don't directly make a difference, but when you start using your own bags others see you and you start talking to them, then they start using their own bags and so forth...it is not hard it is easy. If you walk out the door and then realize you forgot them...GO BACK AND GET THEM!! it is worth it...it will take less than 5 minutes! or you can stop using a dryer...the US consumes the most energy in terms of the size of the country and how many people are actually there! Here in Spain i have stopped using a dryer, and this is a humid climate and my clothes are dry. almost no one here uses a dryer...they are not necessary and look how much lower the energy consumption is. Or plant a tree, go on a hike, appreciate nature. Take a walk or ride your bike instead of driving!! It doesn't matter if it takes longer...make time, what is more important..your "schedule", that will stop being important in less than 20 years, because no doubt it will change and you'll probably be doing other things with other people and in the huge grand scheme of things our lifespan is nothing, or the earth??? We need to stop using so much energy, oil, and other finite resources!! (http://hypertextbook.com/facts/1998/TommyZhou.shtml) We need a new lifestyle!! we have to change; our priorities are all messed up and in reality it doesn't matter where you are...some places are more conscious and make more of an effort than others, but there are people everywhere that don't care! WHY IS EVERYONE SO APATHETIC!! WHY CAN'T ANYONE WAKE UP?!?! This is just the tip of the iceberg of all our problems and there are a million more things you can do to help...PLEASE DO SOMETHING, WE HAVE TO START CHANGING, NOW!!! This is not to attack anyone in particular and i completely include myself...we can all always do more!! Now you may think this is all terribly pessimistic, but i am totally optimistic, i know we can change...and there are a small minority of people who are trying to make a difference...take the time to learn about something new...stop watching television and figure out something you can do...read an article about cleaning with non-toxic cleaning products!! JUST DON'T SIT THERE...ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING,GET YOUR HANDS DIRTY!!!

These are all really helpful sites, please take the time to look at them, even if it is only for 5 minutes a day: www.worldchanging.org

Magazines worth reading or looking into:
www.odemagazine.com (absolutely amazing!!!)
adbusters (i am sure you have all heard of this one)

Sunday, January 14, 2007

You guessed it...

My christmas story:

So ofcourse as always we had to wait at the airport...big surprise. But Jojo's (pronounced yoyo, it is a nickname stemming from a last name) plane was about 3 hours late and unfortunately we didn't know that before we left for the airport. So we had a nice road trip, got to the airport, figured out how late his plane was, dealt with Katy's christmas fiasco, kind of, and went window shopping. Then we waited some more and finally the plane arrived. yay! We added even more to the car, which was really unbelievable because we already had so much stuff in the car, but we added all Jojo's stuff and Jojo and managed to make it all work. Drove the rest of the way to Bonn pretty much uneventfully, but by the end I was exhausted and just about falling asleep in the car. Viki's mom made us a great dinner of pork, some bread thing that you steam, red cabbage (i think) and fruit salad, but it was all really good.
We were all tired and pretty much all slept in the next day and just relaxed. I made it a point to help Viki's mom with breakfast and other meals or to help cleanup afterward because she was always making everything for us which was very sweet. Everymorning we had a table full of breakfast that was really incredible. That day Viki's friend Roland got into town and the four of us (Viki, Katy, Roland, and Me) went to the Christmas market in Bonn. Viki, Katy, and I had already been to 2 or 3 and been rather unsuccessful but I managed to get pretty much all my shopping (I really only got stuff for the kids here, and Glòria and Ferran) done, which was excellent. While there we met up with Roland and the five of us took off for an Ice Hockey game between Hamburg and Koln. The girls were rooting for a different team than the guys, but at this point and I can't remember who was rooting for who, but I think Hamburg won...I am just not that into ice hockey i guess. But we got there really early and had a lot of time to kill so I have a lot of pictures from the hockey game...I think I spared you from them while making the album because they were mostly all the same...after the hockey game we decided to go out for a little dancing and whatnot, so we found a bar, but both Jojo and Roland were dealing with jetlag (having both just gotten back from Australia in the past 3 days) so we called it a fairly early night and went home.
I actually pretty much made a habit of sleeping in while in Bonn except one day when i woke up early and went for a run. it was absolutely wonderful. Viki described the way to me, and i think i might have followed it. her mom also described another way and i don't really know if i went the way either of them intended me to go...in the end i went farther then i meant to because even though i took the same path back that i took out i managed to get a bit lost. i ended up taking a detour through some german woods, then thought i was close to their neighborhood so i got out of the woods only to find out that half the people i asked for directions (which consisted of saying the street name) didn't know what street i was talking about...great...but since i am here posting this, you can rest assured that i made it back. in the end i made a huge loop in the middle of the path i was supposed to be on, then got back on the path and miraculously made my way back, i really was grateful, you have no idea. but i was really glad to get the exercise in since the house had little plates of cookies and sweets calling your name at every corner. Shortly after breakfast that day Viki, Roland, Katy, Jojo and me all went ice skating. It was a lot of fun, i always have a great time when i go. and for the first time i tried hockey skates, strangely that was all that was available there (it was only a temporary rink, but still). it was pretty fun though. That night Jojo was having a small dinner at his house, so we made a small appearance. Katy was leaving early the next morning and we were all super tired, so we didn't stay long.
This day we got up at 4 in the morning to take Katy to the airport. I didn't have to get up as Viki was driving Katy, but I didn't want Viki to have to drive back alone so I went with them. Viki and I came back and crashed for a while...then we got up and had breakfast. Later that day (December 23rd) Viki's grandparents came, from Ofortsin, so we cleaned the room Katy and I had been staying in since viki's grandparents were going to stay there, and I moved my stuff into Viki's room, which really made it more of a disaster area because we were attempting a 5000 piece puzzle on the floor. (just to let you know, we unfortunately did not finish the 5000 piece puzzle in 6 days, we did managed to start and finish a 1000 piece puzzle though). That day Viki's younger brother, Max, also arrived from...Hamburg maybe, i don't remember, somewhere else in Germany though I think. That night we all (Viki, Max, her parents, grandparents, and me) all went out to a fun dinner that involved the "circus" and dinner. We would be served a course of the meal and then get to see a solo performance. The performance involved balancing, a trapeze artist, a clown, audience participation (viki's dad and grandfather went on stage at one point and later viki and her brother went on stage). it was really a lot of fun, her family was really sweet, dinner was great, and the show was pretty cool and funny.
The whole time I was there her family made me feel super welcome and i was really happy to be spending the holidays with them. My family has never had a very set or specific christmas tradition, so it was interesting to take part in the holiday with a family with a much stronger tradition. Christmas eve was when we really celebrated the holiday. We all slept in, had a nice large breakfast and then spent some time relaxing. Jojo came over so he and Viki could exchange presents. then we talked him into staying a bit longer and helping us with the 5000 piece puzzle. Viki's mom brought us tea and cookies while we were working on the puzzle and it was really fun. The tree had only arrived two days before and so it had yet to be decorated (it was a real tree and they get it at the last minute so it is still wet, they use real candles instead of christmas lights, so that way if one is misplaced, the tree doesn't really burn that fast). So later in the day Viki got out all the christmas ornaments and her, jojo, and me decorated it while her mom was busy cooking and getting things ready for dinner. Then Jojo left and we all got dressed up and went to church around six. Mostly it involved singing a lot of German christmas carols, which was fun. Then we went back home and had dinner, which consisted of Goose, the steamed bread stuff, red cabbage and a bunch of other things. i was really full. Then we lit all the candles on the tree, sang a couple more christmas carols and opened presents. Viki's parents gave me a pyramid (the little things that you put candles in and then the heat from the candle turns them), her grandparents gave me a beautiful necklace, and Viki gave me some perfume and a key chain. It was really nice relaxing night. Then after dinner we had crepe sussette, they have it every year after opening christmas presents.

well, this is already super long and i am not even done, but i am super tired, so it will have to do for now, i will write more another time. here is the photo album: http://drexel.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2042354&l=963fe&id=10500847

Monday, January 08, 2007

a quick note

i have been meaning to make this little note about my blog for a while now...
if you have noticed a lack of punctuation, like capitalization, it is because i am using a very sticky and loud keyboard to type and many times "no va la pena"...it's not worth it to make the effort to capitalize things

in other news that is random but that i have been meaning to share...
actually, it isn't that random...these are real error messages i have gotten from this computer in the course of using it:

and i quote (what is strange about this is that normally they are in spanish, but these were in english)

1. "oops...the system was unable to perform your operation (error code 008). Please try again in a few seconds."

2. "The server may be a little bit broken temporarily. Please try again in a few moments while it sorts itself out."

I especially like that last one...sometime we all need a little time to sort ourselves out.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Germany for Christmas...almost, first Ofortsin

Well...I am almost to Christmas. Before we got to Bonn, where we were spending Christmas we stopped in Ofortsin, a little town in the Black Forest. Viki's grandparents live there and when we arrived at their house around 8 at night we were pretty hungry despite our large brunch earlier in the day. So Viki's Grandfather drove us into town (in one of his numerous cars...there were at least 8 in the garage, wow) to a nice hotel where we had a wonderful German dinner of spetzel, soup, german beer, a bunch of meet, and some other things that i really don't remember the name of...sorry, but it was all really good. I was super full by the end of it...that became a very common theme during my stay in Germany...I at a lot of food and a lot of little cookies and chocolates...but hey, it was christmas...or so Viki told me. Once we got back to the house Viki's grandparents went to bed and the three of us (me, viki, and katy) curled up in big comfy chairs and watched love actually. it was a really nice calm night.
The next morning we got up at our leisure, which i think was surprisingly not very late, maybe ten. After breakfast and a kind of sad and pathetic attempt on katy and my parts to stave off the coming ridiculousness of the holiday season by doing some abs we all got ready for the day. we decided we were going to have a day out on the town, so we went out in Viki's grandmother's hats...i must say, we looked rather adorable. first we went off with viki's grandmother to the grocery store to buy food for dinner (in the end we had salad, boiled potatoes (john's favorite..., luckily i don't mind it either once in a while), and bratwurst) and breakfast the next morning. then we drove 20 minutes into town. we stopped at an internet cafe...to deal with katy's insane holiday disaster...long story, you don't want to know (in the end she ended up coming to spain for new years...but that is a whole other story) we wandered around the christmas market for a while, had some gluhwein and didn't really find much. plus, we were getting cold. so we took refuge in a nearby mall, where ironically, we stopped at a cafe and had ice cream...go figure. but we had been restored and were really very productive in buying holiday gifts after that. Then we headed home to help get dinner ready since we were eating with viki's grandparents and we didn't want to keep them waiting.
Viki's grandmother pretty much had everything under control, so we just made the salad, set the table, and had dinner. Dinner was nice and calm and afterward we trekked out to the garden house to get some wine. it was actually pretty funny because it was very dark and there turned out to be no electricity in the garden house. we found the bottles of wine fairly easily but we couldn't read any of the labels...so i grabbed a bottle and gave it to katy, she ran outside to read it, confirmed that it would work (it ended up being a red spanish wine) and we ran back through the cold to the comfort of the nice warm house. Viki and i didn't drink that much wine, but katy got tipsy enough that she started speaking german with viki's grandmother...it was pretty funny. after viki's grandparents went to bed, we truly had a girl's night. earlier in the week in st. gallen we had purchased some face masks...we decided this was the perfect night to try them. We had a blast...and don't worry, we took plenty of pictures...after we cleaned the masks all up we watched Bend It Like Beckham (which in germany is actually called kick it like beckham). viki had bought the movie ealier in the day because katy and i both really liked it and she had never seen it. but viki really didn't like the movie at all...so i inherited it. katy promptly went to bed after the movie...but viki and really weren't ready for bed. so we went for a midnight walk around the neighborhood. we got all bundled up and had a good little walk. the next morning we all got up at a reasonable hour (we had to...we had to be at the airport in frankfurt to pick someone up at noon) had breakfast, packed everything off and headed to the airport. But here are some pictures, and later there will be more adventures to follow: http://drexel.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2042353&l=97365&id=10500847

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A German Christmas Continued...starting with Switzerland

I was met at the airport by Katy and Viki, it was great to see them! From there we headed to Viki's little red car and drove about an hour to St. Gallen. Even though I hadn't seen them for about six years and Viki and Katy hadn't seen each other in about three we all fell back to being friends very quickly and it was like no time had passed at all. That night Viki's friend was having a birthday party so we went bowling and then out dancing. Seeing as how I didn't really know anyone and couldn't speak German I really only hung out with Katy, Viki, and Micheal (Viki's room mate). bowling was fun and fairly uneventful except that i did manage a couple strikes and several spares! In between bowling and dancing we dropped katy off at home because she was tired, we also went to check out the student bar. Normally it would have been closed (considering it was winter break) but micheal is the manager and he had the keys...so me, viki, micheal, and some other guy whose name i can't remember stopped there for a quick drink and to hang out. The bar, like everything else in switzerland was immaculate and wonderfully designed and completely surprising to me since it was for students. the same went for viki's flat, it was absolutely amazing and students would never be able to afford something that nice and large in the states or many other places as far as i know (the flats i have seen here in spain definitely aren't that amazing) anyway, i have gotten off subject. so we went and met up with the rest of the birthday party at the disco. viki is a great dancer...she is so much fun...it was really awesome to go with her. she never stops dancing and she always has lots of energy and new moves...she is truly a character. so that was awesome and fun! when we finally got home to her flat micheal decided we should start a fire and relax around it before going to bed...ofcourse i was exhausted and promptly after 10 minutes of sitting around the fire i fell asleep.
We all slept in a lot the next day (even me...a theme a managed to continue the whole time i was in switzerland and germany, it was truly unbelievable) and had a great german brunch full of bread, of all kinds, meat, cheese, and fruite. we took our time and just relaxed. later in the day viki, katy and i went out into st. gallen to go shopping, but none of us really needed anything or knew what we wanted to get for other people, so we just wandered around. it ended up being a pretty overcast day (apparently these are fairly common in switzerland) so we headed home, made a simple dinner, and watched a movie. Then viki's friend flo (really don't know how you spell his name, but that is what it sounded like) came over and we made chocolate fondue and watched "Dinner for One", which i highly recomend. it is hilarious and it is the national german tradition to watch it for new years (i know we were a bit early). afterward we went for a late night walk (to work off all that chocolate, i ate so much!). When we got back we played some board games, drank some wine, and sat around the fire.
The next day we relaxed a lot and got up late. We packed everything up for our 3 hour drive ot the black forest and then flo came over again. we all had brunch around one and we were so hungry cause we hadn't eaten anything all day...we had a lot of food...scrambeled eggs, bacon, fruit, different kinds of bread, yogurt, juice, meat, cheese...there was something for everyone. Flo and micheal helped us cary stuff down, packed us up...micheal made a mix tape for us for the road, and then we were off. So here are some pictures of Switzerland: http://drexel.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2042352&l=3d670&id=10500847
unfortunately i have run out of time and i must continue this later...