Mis Aventuras en España

Sunday, November 19, 2006

La Castanyada

In other parts of the world October 31st is a holiday involving candy, costumes, children, and a little superstition, here in Spain, the day after is a holiday...but people typically celebrate the night before since no one has to work the next day. I started preparing for the holiday on Monday because you typically make panellettes (almond kind of pastries). But you have to make the dough early because it must sit over night. So i made the dough monday night and the kids made them into panellettes and baked them with Glòria on tuesday and we had some of their friends over for dinner. Wednesday I went hiking with Meritxell and Sergi in search of mushrooms, specifically Rovellones. But we didn't find any...instead we ended up with cama grocs (yellow legs). Which we took home cooked and had for lunch. Then we played scrabble twice, once in English and once in Catalàn/Spanish. Sergi won when we played in english, and he is the worst at english!! he just had good tactics and luck, he got to put "ozone" on the triple word score...Meritxell won when we played in Catalàn/Spanish...I was in the middle both times..not sure what that says, oh well. Here are some pictures: http://drexel.facebook.com/album.php?aid=2037023&l=1592f&id=10500847 yay for my shortest entry yet!


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