Mis Aventuras en España

Monday, September 11, 2006

Time Flies

Here in Spain I am both busy and having a lot of free time...it is quite the paradox. But school starts tomorrow, so things are slowly getting into a schedule.
Just to highlight the most exciting things that happened since Thursday...I took a test Friday, it went very well. Just some mulitple choice and writing a page in Spanish. A miracle occured and we got the house in a livable state so we all started staying here Saturday night. People were working Friday and Saturday and I helped clean a little on Friday afternoon. Ferran and I both helped clean, with two cleaning ladies, on Saturday from 9:00 until 1:30, so at least certain areas didn't have too much dust. But more work is being done tomorrow...
I have met lots of family! On Saturday after cleaning Ferran and I had lunch with his parents and one brother. Last night there was a little party for a girl who was turning three, which was absolutely adorable. She is the daughter of a lady Glòria used to work with. The party was fairly fun, but it was outdoors with food, which meant there were a lot of bees. Teresa didn't like this at all, so for a lot of the party we just sat far from the food and told stories, which Teresa loved. When we were at home we had a pretend sleepover and got my sleeping bag out and told stories and played dress up. Today there was a family reunion on Glòria's side of the family. There were a lot of people there and I don't really know who they all were exactly. I was more there to help with all the kids...twelve in total I think. There was another girl there to help as well though, so we had a lot of fun! It was pretty much an all day event for us because it was a bit of a drive and these things always last forever.
The other day I went for a run, which was very wonderful. I did get a little lost on the way back and had to ask two people for directions, only because the first didn't help at all cause he didn't know where I wanted to go. But the second person was extremely helpful and I found my way back very easily after he explained everything. Now the next time I go running I know I won't get lost because I have walked around the city more and understand what I did the first time. I hope you are doing well!


Blogger Lee said...

Hi! Sorry we missed your phone call. Thanks for sharing all your adventures. There's quite a fan club in Las Cruces.

9:44 PM  

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